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VA Disability Attorney Serving California

Veterans who suffer disabling injuries during their military service may be entitled to disability benefits through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Unfortunately, the process of filing a VA disability claim and obtaining those benefits can be difficult. Every year, thousands of veterans find themselves fighting for the benefits they need and deserve. This impacts not only you as a veteran, but also your loved ones. 

That is where our VA disability claims attorney can help. If your disability claim has been rejected or denied, or the claims process is not progressing, we can help. Whether you need help filing an initial claim, or would like to know more about the appeals process, our office has the experience you need.

Get Help with VA Disability Claims Case

Every legal case is as unique as you - the client. You deserve legal guidance that is individualized and focused on protecting your legal rights. If you need help filing a VA disability claim or appeal, or want to know more about your legal rights, contact our office to schedule a free evaluation of your case.

Why Choose our VA Disability Attorney?

Veterans who work with a VA disability attorney are more likely to gain a favorable result than veterans who file claims without legal guidance. The reason is that our skilled attorneys have knowledge and resources that make a difference in the claims process.

Our practice offers our clients:

  • Knowledge of VA regulations and California law

  • Experience managing all sorts of applications, claims, and appeals

  • Access to resources, such as expert witnesses, healthcare providers, and objective parties

Why Work with Us?

  • We’ve been serving California for over 45 years and have the experience to help you!

  • We’ve won over $100 million in settlements for injured workers.

  • We will help get all your medical fees paid.

  • Our focus is 100% workers’ compensation – it’s all we do!

  • If we do not win your case, you will not have to pay a dime.

  • If you are pending an immigration status, this has no effect on your ability to get workers’ comp!

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